
Many services and programs are offered seasonally or over a series of dates. Please contact Cariboo Kids at (250) 395-5155 or visit our Facebook page for current dates and times for the programs listed on this page. Some programs may require registration.

Cariboo Kids Early Learning Room

Photo of the early learning room focusing on an activity station with a sign reading dabbing fun. The station is a kids table with bingo style dabbers and activity sheets.
Photo of the early learning room with a wide angle showing various activity stations in the midground and the breastfeeding area in the background.
Photo of an activity station from the early learning room. It shows a kids table with shoe lace tying activities upon it. The table is against a wall with a magnet board holding magentic letters of the alphabet.

Located right here at Cariboo Kids/Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre, our Early Learning Family Drop-In is a safe, unstructured place for children and their families to play with toys, socialize, take part in arts and crafts, stories, and make new friends. Parents can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere where they can meet and network with other like-minded parents/caregivers. We have facilities for breast feeding in a quiet and comfortable area. Access to resources on infant and child development and South Cariboo Early Years programs/services is also available to parents. The Drop-In operates Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

Prenatal Services: Promoting Healthy Pregnancy and Birth

Our early years team offer pregnant and postnatal parents information supporting healthy pregnancy, informed birth experience, and resources to assist parents and their infants.

Nutrition Program

We provide free nutritional support for prenatal and postpartum parents including:

  • Free prenatal vitamins: Free multi-vitamins specific for pregnancy
  • Free vitamin D drops for infants and children
  • Prenatal Nutrition Grocery Card Program: Free weekly card that can be used at local grocery store to purchase healthy food

Free Infant Supplies

Cariboo Kids offers free infant supplies including: diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, baby bath items, and gently used infant clothing.

BC Pregnancy Outreach Program (P.O.P.)

The Early Years Parenting Group:
This is a weekly drop-in group program with discussion of issues and concerns relating to pregnancy and parenting of newborns and toddlers. Here, you can meet other pregnant parents, and parents of infants and toddlers, who are going through the same journey as you! Some examples of topics covered by the program include nutrition, sleep, relationships, and child development. This program is offered in a safe, confidential, and inclusive setting, and Early Learning Support is available for your older children.
Space for this group is limited! Our capacity is 12 people.

Early Years Programs

Let’s Walk

Let’s Walk is a group walk (and stroller walk) for pregnant parents and parents with babies and toddlers. Let’s Walk will get you outside in our beautiful community and will give you a chance to meet other parents and make social connections— and provide a little exercise! This program is seasonal, so please check with our friendly Cariboo Kids staff to see when it’s offered!

Caregiver & Child Mother Goose

This program introduces families and children to the pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs and stories together. Children benefit from enjoyable, healthy early experiences with language and communication! This program normally takes place at the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre.

Mothers’ Mental Health

A mother’s mental health is critical to the physical, mental and emotional well being of herself and her children. In this 8-week program we will focus on supporting a mother’s mental wellness in a safe, confidential, inclusive setting. Early Learning Support for your older children is available at no charge during sessions.

Childbirth Education

In-depth information and best practices about the childbirth process, including what happens in the hospital and what supports are available. This is an important service for people having their first pregnancy which can help with fear and anxiety that may come at this exciting point in their life. The Childbirth Education Program is offered to expectant parents in a variety of formats, including: Childbirth Education in a Day, Childbirth Education Refresher, and One-on-One Childbirth Education.

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

This parenting program provides parents with children ages 0-6 with a safe place to build on their parenting skills, learn new skills and concepts and meet other parents.

Infant Massage

Whether you’re soothing your little one to dreamland or easing baby’s gassy belly, a gentle massage can work wonders for your baby— and the power is in your tender touch. This six-week program will guide you through the techniques of infant massage and help build attachment between you and your little one.

Daddy & Me

This drop-in monthly program provides an opportunity for kids to spend some quality time with the male caregivers in a fun and interactive setting. Tonnes of toys, books, and activities are made available, and dinner is included! This program takes place once a month except during school holidays.

Caregiver & Child Mother Goose

This program introduces families and children to the pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs and stories together. Children benefit from enjoyable, healthy early experiences with language and communication. This program normally takes place at the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre.